When was the last time you felt like you had *all* of the energy in the world to accomplish everything on your to-do list? Sounds like a fantasy, right?

Many of us feel completely burned out from our jobs and the responsibilities that come with being an adult. Even if you’re self-employed or just generally doing work you enjoy doing, you can still burn yourself out.

Study by McKinsey found that many millennial women are experiencing job burnout before they even turn 30.

So what’s causing us to feel burned out? More importantly, how do we prevent it from taking over our lives?

Burnout is mostly a product of stress on a daily basis. This can be stress from having too much on your plate, or it can happen when you feel forced to put energy into work that doesn’t fulfill you.

High expectations also play a big role in creating burnout.

Our jobs have high expectations for us. Of course this isn’t true for every company, but there are so many organizations that expect their employees to be available 24/7. This can make us resent everything about our jobs and the people we work with.

We also set high expectations for ourselves. As a generation, millennial s want to make an impact with the work we’re doing. We don’t want to do meaningless or mediocre work when we believe we have more to give. Sometimes we get burned out from our own negative thoughts about ourselves and the situations we’re in.

These high expectations only lead to mental, emotional, and physical burnout. Burnout can make it difficult to do even the simplest things, so everything starts to feel like a chore.

Many of us don’t even realize we’re feeling burned out until it’s too late. At that point, it’s hard to recover without doing a hard reset on your life (if only it was that easy!).

If you can bring awareness to the signs of burnout, you can take positive action before anything gets worse. Keep reading to see if you’re experiencing these 7 signs of burnout and how you can deal with them positively!

Most of us only notice burnout when we’re already in the depths of it. For example, I only recognize it when it gets to the point where I feel completely drained – mentally, emotionally, and physically. If we can recognize the signs ahead of time, we can give ourselves some extra care in the moment.

Here are seven signs you might be experiencing burnout right now and how you can deal with it!

1. Your to-do list feels extra overwhelming.

If your to-do list is overwhelming you on a daily basis, even if it’s things you enjoy doing, it might be a sign that you’re burning yourself out. When we try to cram too much into our day, we overwork ourselves and/or feel guilty when we don’t get everything done.

Instead, simplify your workload. Stick to three top priorities for the day and focus solely on those.

2. You’re overly exhausted.

If you need five cups of coffee to keep your eyes open during the day, it’s a sign that you’re not taking care of yourself properly. This is where it’s important to check in with yourself and make sure you’re taking care of your basic needs.

Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating regularly? When was the last time you exercised? Have you had enough water? Sometimes the simplest things have the biggest impact on our energy levels.

3. You’re struggling to find motivation.

Maybe you wake up in the morning and snooze your alarm until you have to rush out the door. You know exactly what you need to work on that day, but you just don’t have the motivation to do it. This is a definite sign that you might be burned out from the work you’ve been doing.

To combat this feeling, it’s important that you identify what’s out of alignment in your life. Spend some time thinking about your vision for the future and where you want to be five years from now. Once you’ve identified a few key things that you want to manifest in your life, use those to fuel your actions and keep you going.

4. Your self-talk is negative.

Stress can play some powerful mind tricks on us. When we’re overwhelmed or exhausted, our minds tend to gravitate to a negative place. If you notice that you’re always thinking in negatives or being especially hard on yourself, it could be because you haven’t given yourself time to rest and recharge.

When you feel weighed down by a negative mindset, make sure to give yourself grace. No one holds you to such high standards as you do, and it’s okay to give yourself a break. Say positive affirmations, journal your thoughts out, and take time to truly relax.

5. You keep snapping at others.

People are annoying, that’s a fact. But if you’re noticing that you’re more irritable than usual, it might be a sign that burnout is affecting your overall mood. It’s easy to take things out on other people, but it never results in anything worthwhile.

Instead, take responsibility for your time and energy. Make sure you’re not over-committing yourself and taking on things that will drain you. Set boundaries around your time and energy so you can enjoy some much-needed alone time.

6. Everything feels like a chore.

If you feel like you’re doing nothing on a daily basis that excites you or brings you joy, the monotony of daily life will start to take its toll. Most of us are living on autopilot and do the same things every day, so it’s important to incorporate a little fun into your schedule.

Make a conscious effort to add things into your day that you can look forward to. Maybe that’s talking with a friend, going for a walk, listening to music, writing, practicing yoga, reading, etc. If you try to do something a little different each day, it will make life feel more fun.

7. You don’t have time to practice self-care.

Self-care can be a huge help when it comes to dealing with burnout. The tricky part is actually making the time for self-care. If you don’t have time for self-care, it’s probably because you’re prioritizing everyone else’s needs above your own.

Instead, give yourself permission to rest. Whether you have ten minutes or an hour, there are ways to fit self-care into your schedule every single day. Self-care is the ultimate remedy for burnout, so treat it like a priority in your life.

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